
Lowa Albula GTX Boot Review

The Albula GTX offers a measure of comfort, versatility of design, style and stability afoot that qualifies them for any trail we are likely to tackle in the months ahead. These boots are superb for a day hike along a muddy trail or serious weekend of backpacking and climb approaches wherever you find yourself. It is this writer’s confidence that you can be sure when you step into Albula GTX, you are taking a step in the right direction. [...]

Origo Rendezvous Peak Watch

Pass the Origo! Yep, the Rendezvous Peak compass watch is a strong choice for recreational climbers, backpacker, and folks who spend time out of doors. The Origo Rendezvous Peak is a multi-sensor mountaineering watch with perfect digital time, solid compass, altimeter, barometer, and chronograph functions to get you there… wherever it is you are going. [...]