
Primus EtaPack Lite Stove

Primus EtaPackLite Stove is a versatile, lightweight and compact backcountry stove that will light a fire under under anything you need to cook. It’s design is completely functional and easy to use; a testimony to the many years Primus has been building mountaineering stoves that backcountry folks can depend on. EtaPakLite is efficient in terms of reduced cooking time a higher elevations, and it’s easy on the fuel. [...]

Bass Fishing on Vail Lake

Vail Lake is a large reservoir in western Riverside County, California, about 15 miles east of Temecula. It’s a warm water lake where crappie, blue gill, catfish, and largemouth bass reside in these quiet waters. If you live within reach, Vail Lake and its rich countryside might be a destination to work out your own plan for getting out of doors. [...]