Loksak-aLoksak, Opsak, Splashsak; variations on impervious!

By Kimberlee Frederick
Through rain, sleet and snow—not to mention sand, humidity and dust—Loksak, Inc.’s patented “element-proof storage bags” keep all manner of important items safe from the damaging conditions that valuables were subject to before this streamlined technology.
Voted “The Very Best of the Very Best” by National Geographic Adventure Magazine in 2005, the Loksak and Opsak storage bags designed by Loksak employ a uniquely durable and flexible film with an airtight, hermetic seal.
Loksak’s design is so effective, in fact, that it has been tested and approved by the Navy Experimental Diving Unit and is currently in use by multiple branches of the military and government around the world, a fact that gives Loksak a reason to guarantee the effectiveness of its products.
We’ve had the full range of Loksak protective gear in super cold winter conditions and we have depended on

Loksaks when the rain lasted for days. The result is an astonishingly multi-use product which you quickly learn you can rely on the air-tight, water-tight seal of the Loksak.
Loksak translucent materials are of a slightly heavier gauge than the plastic of common home-use storage bags. This makes the Loksak bags convenient to stash in a backpack, car, purse or anywhere important items would need to be protected. Loksaks come in 11 different sizes and, as long as the bags are completely and properly sealed, they are utterly impervious to dirt and water. Even better, once out of water-ridden conditions, the bags dry very quickly with a quick wipe of a towel, making it possible to remove items without exposing them to any residual water.
With Loksaks, the possibilities, then, are endless. They’re ideal for travelling, when boarding passes, passports and other essentials need to be kept together and unharmed, for excursions to the beach to keep sand from getting into crevices, or on more vigorous trips hiking, rafting or camping. Conveniently, smart phones with touch screens, such as the iPhone, can be operated from inside the bag.
And Loksak’s Opsak bags take efficiency a step further: they completely block out any of the odors that the bag’s contents have, making them safe to have without a concern of animal visits attracted by odor.

The aLoksak and Opsak bags have a cold-crack tolerance at -60 degrees Fahrenheit and the heat tolerance is between 125 to 130 degrees for aLoksak bags, and 170 degrees for Opsak bags. The bags are reusable and have a long lifespan, depending on the amount of their use. Once it’s time to replace aLoksak or Opsak bags, they can be recycled.
For more advanced storage options, Loksak’s Splashsak line offers myriad designs of durable, nylon or plastic carrying cases that effectively contain the varying sizes of the aLoksak or Opsak storage bags.
The Splashsak Dipper is a 7×6-inch nylon case with a zippered pocket and an adjustable strap that makes this bag great for carrying over the shoulder, around the waist or clipping to a backpack. It fits perfectly inside it the 6.75×6-inch Loksak bags, ensuring that whatever needs to be carried is done so with the most protection possible.
The Arm Pak variety of Splashsak has a unique tri-fold, Velcro-close design that opens to a plastic inner pocket, which zips closed. The two adjustable, releasable straps make for easy attachment to either the forearm or the shin. Its sturdy nylon material makes it the go-to case for 4.5”x7” aLoksak or Opsak bags.
For more information about Loksak products, visit www.loksak.com.
Hello Kimberlee,
I just wanted to say thanks for the great article.
We really appreciate you helping us get the word out.
Thank you for all you do,
Hi Jason,
Kimberlee say’s thank you for your approval. We have all used the range Loksak products your company sent us to review. Every item has been in very wet, icy, and snow laden conditions. There was never a problem of reliability.
I have found aLOKSAK products to be extremely poorly made and unreliable. The seams at the top tore apart just by trying to open the bag the first time. The top seams are only crazy glued or taped on. Really poor product, I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone who needs to keep their items dry. You’d be better off with a 10 cent Ziploc bag from your local grocery store.